Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Hi Ladies, 

Just a quick post on today's outfit. I've been out and about all day and it's hard to try and look presentable when all you want to wear is your jammies and a hoodie, but these maternity jeans from New Look have saved my life!! Thank you to the lovely person who invented them because I love you! 

Through-out my pregnancy I never really gained any weight apart from my tummy and I actually bought a few pairs of jeans in a bigger size but I found the tummy was perfect but the legs where so baggy. I was constantly being told ''go buy maternity jeans'' but I had this stigma in my head about any sort of maternity clothing. I just thought no!! All I could see was horrible oversized sun dresses and dated jeans and it didn't appeal to me what so ever. Until one day in work we got a delivery of these cute skinnies and I thought rite fuck it try them on Rach it will do no harm, and boom!! I fell in love :) 

I got over the bump as I just found them the comfiest everyone has preference but this is just what I preferred. Mine are from New Look and our so reasonable at 29.99 bargain. I'm not trying to promote New Look just because I work there but honestly I looked around and every other place seemed to be so over priced. Don't get me wrong if your willing to pay 60 quid for a pair of maternity jeans than by all means but I just couldn't. 

My shoes are also from New Look, I'm loving the caged heels and there everywhere but unfortunately there will be no bitch heels until this baby comes so I have to make due with flats!

My bag is from New Look and I think its about 14.99 I got a while ago but I love the fringing. And my blazer is my most recent purchase from Boohoo :) My next post will be my top 5 maternity jeans so stay posted.

Thanks for reading,

Love BV x

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