Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Pregnancy Post

As I'm eight months pregnant today I decided to do a pregnancy post. I still actually can't believe I'm pregnant, the time has flown by and in less than eight weeks we will be meeting our little boy :) 

When we first found out that I was pregnant it was a huge shock, I had suspected for a few days before we done the test that I was but of course I'm such a hypochondriac I was constantly thinking ''shit I'm a day late I'm defo pregnant'' but this time when I done the test it actually came up positive. I sat in the bathroom for about ten minutes crying just staring at the test. I was so afraid to even get up and come out and tell my boyfriend that yes, it's positive I have a bun in the oven! 

He is actually the calm one in the relationship I'm not, I am the biggest drama queen ever and in the this case it was safe to say I was in flow blown drama mode. Honestly only for him I think I would have had a heart attack. After the initial shock, we talked about our options and of course abortion was on the cards. Sorry to anyone who is reading this and finds it offensive but I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about it. When I found out I was 22, and defiantly not ready to bring a life into the world. I'm still not ready, but after about five weeks we came to the decision that baby was staying and honestly it has been the best and most certain decision I have ever made. 

We didn't tell anyone bar one or two close friends about the news. Our families didn't have a clue until I was about 11 weeks. They where as shocked as we where but where one hundred per cent on board with our decision.  I'm very close to my mam and I was actually petrified telling her but when I did it was the biggest relief in the world and she has been my number one super star. 

I was really really ill for the first 3-4 months of my pregnancy. I lost about half a stone or more because I was sick every single day. Not just in the morning but during the day and even through the night. I was exhausted and spent as much time as I could sleeping when I wasn't working. I would literally come home from work and go straight to bed at half eight. It was a horrible time. Everything made me sick, I lived on tea and toast for those few months and ginger biscuits where my life!

Our first scan was the 30th of December and it was the most surreal thing ever. I cried my eyes out and just couldn't believe it was happening, it made it so real. After that things started to get better I started to get my appetite back but my bump still wasn't growing. At 5/6 months there was no sign of a bump what so ever. After a scare which led to going to A&E they discovered that my wee baby wasn't gaining any weight. I've been monitored ever since, and my wee boy is growing and becoming so strong. His movements are so strong, I love just feeing him wriggle around even though I do feel like I have an alien inside me!  

I actually get no sleep now, on a good night I'll sleep for about 5/6 hours and then that's me up bolt awake for the rest of the day. I think I have had every symptom in the book, sickness, swollen feet, heartburn... everything! Some good symptoms are my hair, nails and skin are looking pretty good if I do say so myself!! Honestly my hair has never been in better condition. I actually didn't dye it for the past ten months because I was on a mission to get all the dye out of my hair with out stripping it and then I get pregnant and it's like the best conditioner ever!! 

We basically have everything prepared for the baby, cot, pram, nursing chair you name we have it. And it's only because of our amazing families that we do. Having a baby isn't the most cost saving thing in the world! But they have all got us so much stuff and we are so grateful for all of the help. Our friends have been the best support in the world as well and with out them I would defiantly have gone bat shit crazy! Although he would probably say that I already am a crazy bitch! 

Now that I'm officially on my maternity leave I'm just planning and organising for the arrival of our wee boy. The nursery is coming along nicely and next event will be the baby shower!.... So watch this space ;) 

Thanks for reading,
BV x


  1. Oh my god rachel, the was the cutest and best thing I've ever read! , I could of kept reading forrreverr!πŸ˜»πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

  2. Aw thanks Nicole, glad you liked it! It's all a bit mad but it's keeping me occupied! Hope you and Sean will be around for the Christening :) x

  3. Congratulations Rachel, You look absolutely beautiful!
    Keep in touch, i have some news for you too :) <3 xoxo


Thank you for reading :)